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USCIS Lockbox and Service Center Filing Location Updates

February 29, 2024

USCIS is changing the filing locations for certain forms and transferring cases as part of a larger initiative to centralize petition and application filing locations.

Important Reminders
If USCIS transfers your case, we will send you a case transfer notice indicating which office you should communicate with for inquiries related to your case. If we send you a request for evidence (RFE), the RFE will indicate to which address you should send the requested information. We may send you an RFE that instructs you to send the requested information to a central location different from where you filed your immigration benefit request. If you follow the instructions on your receipt notice, case transfer notice, or RFE, you send any requested information to the correct office.

Changes in filing location from service centers to a USCIS lockbox are part of our efforts to increase efficiency by reducing our footprint at the service centers and reducing costs related to service center intake of these forms. Changes in filing locations also allow USCIS to centralize the digitization of these forms for electronic adjudication.

Specific content can be found here:


Immigration Law