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Biden extends program for Hong Kong residents

February 1, 2023

The Biden administration extended a program that protects Hong Kong residents in the U.S. from deportation two weeks prior to the program being set to expire. The Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for certain Hong Kong citizens was extended for two more years, meaning that those who otherwise would have been deported for overstaying their original visas can now stay in the U.S. until Jan. 26, 2025. The administration also expanded the number of people who may benefit from DED by allowing Hong Kong residents present in the U.S. as of Jan. 26 to apply for the program. The program was first implemented in August 2021 due to concerns about “the significant erosion” of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, originally granting 3,860 citizens present in the U.S. the right to live and work in the country for 18 months.

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